Saul Gurman celebrated his 101st birthday on June 27. The current average life expectancy in the world is 73.4 years, according to worldometers, which Gurman has outlived by more than 27 years. He recalls memories as early as being pushed in a carriage on Everett Avenue in Chelsea, where he grew up, at just 3 years old. He remembers the names of the three Jewish … [Read more...] about Saul Gurman’s secrets to triple digits
World War II
Peabody salutes veteran Saul Gurman at 101
Saul Gurman, a World War II veteran, celebrated his 101st birthday with friends, family, and fellow residents at the Jeffrey and Susan Brudnick Center for Living last Thursday. Gurman is a survivor of the sinking of the HMT Rohna and was awarded a Purple Heart for his service. The Rohna, a British troopship, sank on Nov. 26, 1943 after it was attacked from the air and … [Read more...] about Peabody salutes veteran Saul Gurman at 101