Bridgewell, a local social and human services agency, participated in a Special Olympics Massachusetts organized basketball tournament at Milton Academy on Feb. 23, where they played in two games against other organizations around the area.
For more than 40 years, Bridgewell has had hundreds of athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities participate in Special Olympics Massachusetts, with other sports such as track and field, which take place in the spring.
The Bridgewell Bulldogs roster of around 25 began practicing once a week for an hour in January.
Players run the gamut in terms of experience, but all have played for the team in the past according to Bridgewell Recreation Manager Amy Saunders.
“I really try to let them run it because, you know, it is their team,” she said. “They came in and they tell me, ‘Amy, I like to do stretches or this is what I do with the team,’ and I just say, ‘Okay!’”
The Bridgewell Bulldogs are also a unified team, meaning volunteers without intellectual disabilities participate in the action to support their teammates on and off the court.
Bridgewell CEO Christopher Tuttle was one of these unified players, a testament to how involved the entire organization is with the everyday happenings of their community members. Saunders, who was running the team for her first time, said Tuttle gave her guidance on how the Bulldogs operate.
The team’s morning started with a hard-fought loss, but after a 45-minute break, the Bulldogs got another opportunity to flaunt their basketball skills and netted themselves a win.
“If you could just see their faces when they get a basket, it’s amazing how happy and excited they get running down the court,” Saunders said. “I always say, this is their time to shine. We all have things we’re good at and not so good at, but this is just where they shine.”
One special moment she remembered from the event was when one of the coaches from the other team asked her if she had anyone on the roster who they wanted to make a basket. Then, that player would be given the opportunity to take their shots until they splashed a bucket.
During their second game, Saunders encouraged them to ease up on their opponent so they could score more points, something that was difficult for some of the more competitive players, but it helped foster an environment of friendly and fun competition.
The final game of the season is Saturday, Mar. 15 at Auburn High School, but Saunders said she’s already getting emails about track and field from excited athletes who are always ready to be active.
Then, the summer Special Olympics will gather athletes from around the state, including from Bridgewell, at Harvard Stadium to vie for a place on the podium.
“The Special Olympics is just its own amazing thing,” Saunders said. “I’m so privileged to be part of it because it truly is heartwarming.”