The Peabody City Council unanimously voted to approve the transfer of funds requested by Mayor Ted Bettencourt to fund fire and police overtime. Ward 2 City Councilor Peter McGinn said that $780,000 will be covering fire overtime and a fund of $700,000 will be going for police overtime.
McGinn said that Mayor Bettencourt is concerned about the current situation and that “going forward there will be an effort to avoid these types of transfers in future years.”
“To avoid the potential of a structural deficit that can come from over-reliance on ARPA and again the commitment to properly budgeting a realistic number in the budget for fiscal 25,” McGinn said.
According to Councillor McGinn, in the past two years, the city has suffered 11 major illnesses in the police and fire departments. Resignations, retirements, both expected and unexpected, have also contributed to the situation. McGinn admitted that there has been a failure in the attempt to recruit new forces in the police and fire departments.
Also, a bond order of $9,125,000 will be loaned to cover the costs of funding for water main replacements at Central Street/Wilson Square and a segment of Lowell Street, repairs to Center School, fire vehicles, funding for a fire pump, etc.
The Treasurer with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any other enabling authority; that the Treasurer, Mayor or any other City official is authorized to take action to carry out the purpose of this Order. It is further ordered: that the Treasurer is authorized to file an application with the appropriate officials of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws.