A completed commercial plaque was recently presented to Sarah Narcus of Olio’s Event Space at 43 Main St. by members of the Peabody Historical Commission.
At a recent meeting, the Commission announced that applications are out for a plaque program, where businesses and commercial buildings that meet the criteria, one of which is that the site should be a part of the Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System database, can order a plaque that shows what the building was originally built for, and an explanation of its history.
Each plaque is a handmade design and comes with weatherproof coating. The historical plaque is a white background with all black lettering, and on the bottom of each plaque, “Peabody Historical Commission” will be written. The original name of the building, and the date the building was built will also be in the plaque. A QR code also accompanies the plaque so that people can scan the codes with their phones and read the site’s history.